The 9 litre water is a reliable and effective general purpose fire extinguisher. These fire extinguishers provide a cost-effective solution to tackle freely burning material involving cloth, wood and paper.
3A rating
Australian Standard certified to AS1841.2
Stainless steel handle and trigger
Stainless steel polyester powder coated cylinder
Rated for use on Class A fires.
Transport style pull out pin
Ready for use pressure indicator
Forged brass valve
Hose Retainer
Zinc-plated steel wall mounting bracket
Heavy duty vehicle bracket available
Suitable for use on large commercial vehicles, buses and trucks.
Dimensions - 225mm W x 630mm H
Rating: 3A:20B
Australian Standard certified to AS1841.4
Stainless steel handle and trigger
Stainless steel polyester powder coated cylinder
Rated for use on Class A and Class B fires.
Suitable for hydrocarbon fuels and polar solvents
Ready for use pressure indicator
Forged brass valve
Hose Retainer
Painted wall mounting bracket
Heavy duty vehicle bracket available suitable for use on large commercial vehicles, buses and trucks.
Suitable for use in:
Flammable liquid stores
Flammable liquid road tankers
Flammable liquid processing plants
Loading docks
Store Rooms
Dimensions 181mm W x 630mm
The ‘BE’ dry chemical fire extinguisher can be safely used on fires involving live electrical equipment or flammable liquids and cooking oil, whilst the ‘ABE’ fire extinguisher is recommended for fires where wood paper, flammable liquid or live electrical equipment are involved.
(CO2) fire extinguishers are recommended for Class ‘E’ electrical hazard fires, but also have limited capabilities for extinguishing small, indoor Class ‘A’ paper and Class ‘B’ flammable liquid fires.
extinguishers feature:
Australian Standard certified to AS1841.6
Mild steel polyester powder coated handle and trigger
Swivel discharge horn
Aluminium powder coated cylinder
Rated for use on Class B and Class E fires.
Transport style pull out pin
Forged brass valve
Zinc plated steel wall bracket.
fire extinguishers can safely be used in:
Commercial buildings
Manufacturing facilities
Electrical switch rooms
Wet chemical fire extinguishers contain a liquid extinguishing agent, specifically developed to extinguish kitchen range, cooking oil and fat fires.
wet chemical fire extinguishers are recommended for use in all kitchens. These extinguishers should not be used on fires involving live electrical equipment or flammable liquids.
extinguisher features: