Conventional Control Panels

The Flex GF506R is a six-zone FACP used for single and dual hazard agent releasing applications. The Flex GF506R provides reliable fire detection. It also offers signaling and protection for commercial, industrial, and institutional buildings that require agent-based releasing. The Flex GF506R is compatible with System Sensor’s i3 detectors.
Listed to UL Standard 864, 9th edition
Designed for agent releasing standards NFPA 12, 12A, 12B and 2001
Disable/Enable control per input zone and output zone
Extensive transient protection
Dual hazard operation
Adjustable pre-discharge, discharge and waterflow delay timers.
Cross-zone (double-interlock) capability
Six programmable Style B (Class B) IDCs (Initiating Device Circuit) with optional Class A wiring
System Sensor i3 series detectors compatible
Four programmable Style Y (Class B) output circuits - (special application power) with Style Z (Class A) opti
Flex GF506R Features and Benefits

The Flex GF506D is a six-zone FACP used for single and dual hazard deluge and pre-action applications. The Flex GF506D provides reliable fire detection. It also offers signaling and protection for commercial, industrial, and institutional buildings that require water-based releasing. The Flex GF506D is compatible with System Sensor’s i3 detectors.
Listed to UL Standard 864, 9th edition
Designed for sprinkler standards NFPA 13, 15 and 16
Dual hazard operation
Adjustable waterflow discharge timer and two soak timers
Cross-zone (double-interlock) capability
Six programmable Style B (Class B) IDCs (Initiating Device Circuit) with optional Class A wiring
System Sensor i3 series detectors compatible
Four programmable Style Y (Class B) output circuits - (special application power) with Class A Style Z option
Flex GF506D Features and Benefits

The Flex 402 is a two zone fire alarm control panel (FACP). This control panel provides reliable fire signaling protection for small to medium-sized retail, office, multi-family, or other similar commercial or institutional buildings.
Two Style B (Class B) IDC zones, one Style Y (Class B) NAC
NAC synchronization and programmability features:
ADA compliant strobe synchronization
ANSI audible signals as required by NFPA 72
Silence inhibit, auto-silence, non-silenceable
Selective Silence: mute horns, keep strobes lit
Temporal or steady signal
Silent or audible walk test from front keypad
Zone disable, alarm verification selectable per zone
Controls: Acknowledge, Alarm, Silence, Reset, Walktest, Zone enable/disable
LED indicators: Alarm, Supervisory, Maintenance, Trouble (one per zone): AC, NAC / Zone disable, NAC
fault, System / Power Trouble, Walktest, Alarm Silence, Charger / Battery / Earth Fault (on pcb)
Alarm verification
Low AC voltage sense, automatic battery charger
Piezo sounder for alarm, trouble, and supervisory
Flex GWF402 Features and Benefits

The Flex 404 is a four zone fire alarm control panel (FACP). This control panel provides reliable fire signaling protection for small to medium-sized retail, office, multi-family, or other similar commercial or institutional buildings.
Two Style B (Class B) IDC zones, one Style Y (Class B) NAC
NAC synchronization and programmability features:
ADA compliant strobe synchronization
ANSI audible signals as required by NFPA 72
Silence inhibit, auto-silence, non-silenceable
Selective Silence: mute horns, keep strobes lit
Temporal or steady signal
Silent or audible walk test from front keypad
Zone disable, alarm verification selectable per zone
Controls: Acknowledge, Alarm, Silence, Reset, Walktest, Zone enable/disable
LED indicators: Alarm, Supervisory, Maintenance, Trouble (one per zone): AC, NAC / Zone disable, NAC
fault, System / Power Trouble, Walktest, Alarm Silence, Charger / Battery / Earth Fault (on pcb)
Alarm verification
Low AC voltage sense, automatic battery charger
Piezo sounder for alarm, trouble, and supervisory
Flex GWF404 Features and Benefits

The Flex 410 is a ten zone fire alarm control panel (FACP) expandable to twenty or thirty zones using optional CZM-400 zone expander module(s). The Flex 410 is ideal for a wide range of different sized installations such as hotels, schools, correctional institutions, health care facilities, small office buildings, and manufacturing plants.
10 Class B (Style B) or 5 Class A (Style D) initiating device circuits (IDCs), expandable up to 30 Class B or 15 Class A IDCs with optional zone expander(s)
Supervised zone expanders and I/O modules can be mounted remotely in optional accessory cabinet
All zones compatible with 2- and 4-wire detectors
Built-in digital alarm communication transmitter (DACT) with dual phone line monitors
4 Class B (Style Y) or 2 Class A (Style Z) supervised notification appliance circuits (NACs)
Selectable/programmable NAC output patterns:
ADA compliant strobe synchronization
ANSI audible signals as required by NFPA 72
Single Stroke BI
Constant output
California code