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3M™ Health Care Particulate Respirators and Surgical Masks
Not all masks are the same. There is a clear difference between a mask and a respirator. Do you have the proper respiratory protection? 3M Health Care Particulate Respirators and Surgical Masks provide you the respiratory protection you desire. Every day you put yourself at risk to ensure your patients are cared for. Make sure you are taking care of yourself as well by selecting the proper respiratory PPE.

Masks help protect the sterile field. They are designed to protect the patient from the exhaled microorganisms from the healthcare provider. Masks are FDA cleared.

Respirators meet the CDC Guidelines for Mycobacterium tuberculosis exposure control. They are certified by NIOSH as N95’s and designed to provide a secure face-to-respirator seal. This seal helps reduce the wearer’s exposure to airborne particles, making them appropriate for protection from laser and electrocautery plume.

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